Syllabus Of Physical Education Class 11 Cbse 2022-23


Physical Education Introduction:-

Physical Education is an academic subject that focuses on the study of physical fitness, sports, and activities, as well as the development of physical skills and fitness levels. It is a vital component of education that promotes physical health and well-being, as well as social and emotional development.
The goal of Physical Education is to help students develop lifelong habits of physical activity and fitness, as well as the knowledge and skills needed to maintain a healthy and active lifestyle. Physical Education classes typically include a variety of sports and activities, such as team sports, individual sports, and fitness activities, as well as instruction in basic fitness principles and safety guidelines.
Physical Education is important because it promotes physical fitness and health, helps reduce the risk of chronic diseases, and enhances cognitive function and overall quality of life. It also helps develop teamwork, leadership, and other life skills, and promotes positive attitudes toward physical activity and fitness.
Physical Education teachers play a vital role in educating students about physical fitness and helping them develop the skills and knowledge needed to maintain a healthy and active lifestyle. They design and deliver curriculum, assess student progress, provide feedback and support, and promote positive attitudes toward physical activity and fitness.

Physical Education

Class 11 Physical Education syllabus:


1. Changing Trends in Physical Education - This topic covers the historical evolution of physical education and its changing trends over time. 2. Olympic Value Education - This topic explores the values and ethics associated with the Olympic Games and their relevance to modern-day society. 3. Physical Fitness and Wellness - This topic covers the importance of physical fitness and wellness in maintaining a healthy lifestyle, as well as strategies for improving fitness levels. 4. Physical Education and Sports for Differently-Abled - This topic focuses on the inclusion of differently-abled individuals in physical education and sports programs, as well as the challenges and opportunities associated with this. 5. Yoga - This topic covers the principles and practices of yoga, including its benefits for physical and mental health. 6. Lifestyle Diseases and Management - This topic covers the causes, effects, and prevention of lifestyle diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, and obesity. 7. Physical Activity and Leadership Training - This topic focuses on the development of leadership skills through physical activity and sports.


1. Athletics - This includes track and field events such as running, jumping, and throwing.
2. Volleyball - This involves learning and practicing the skills and techniques required for playing volleyball. 3. Basketball - This involves learning and practicing the skills and techniques required for playing basketball. 4. Football - This involves learning and practicing the skills and techniques required for playing football. 5. Gymnastics - This includes learning and practicing various gymnastics skills and techniques. 6. Yoga - This involves practicing various yoga poses and techniques. 7. NCC - This involves learning and practicing various skills associated with the National Cadet Corps. 8. Swimming - This involves learning and practicing various swimming strokes and techniques. 9. Cricket - This involves learning and practicing the skills and techniques required for playing cricket. 10. Badminton - This involves learning and practicing the skills and techniques required for playing badminton. 11. Table Tennis - This involves learning and practicing the skills and techniques required for playing table tennis. 12. Skating - This involves learning and practicing various skating skills and techniques. 13. Boxing - This involves learning and practicing the skills and techniques required for boxing. Overall, the CBSE Class 11 Physical Education syllabus aims to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of physical education, sports, and fitness, as well as practical skills and experience in various sports and activities.

Physical Education FAQ's

What is Physical Education (PE)?

Physical Education is an academic subject that involves the study of physical fitness, sports, and activities, as well as the development of physical skills and fitness levels.

Why is Physical Education important?

Physical Education is important because it promotes physical fitness, improves health and well-being, and helps develop teamwork, leadership, and other life skills. It can also enhance academic performance and overall quality of life.

What are the benefits of regular physical activity?

Regular physical activity can provide numerous health benefits, including reducing the risk of chronic diseases such as obesity, diabetes, and heart disease, improving cardiovascular and respiratory health, enhancing mental health and cognitive function, and promoting overall physical fitness.

What kind of sports and activities are typically covered in Physical Education classes?

Physical Education classes can cover a wide range of sports and activities, depending on the curriculum and the interests of the students. Some common activities include team sports such as basketball, volleyball, and soccer, individual sports such as running, swimming, and tennis, and fitness activities such as yoga and aerobics.

What is the role of a Physical Education teacher?

The role of a Physical Education teacher is to educate students about physical fitness, sports, and activities, and to help them develop the skills and knowledge needed to maintain a healthy and active lifestyle. This includes designing and delivering curriculum, assessing student progress, providing feedback and support, and promoting positive attitudes toward physical activity and fitness.

How can I stay motivated to maintain a regular exercise routine?

There are many strategies for staying motivated to exercise regularly, including setting realistic goals, tracking progress, finding an exercise buddy or support group, varying your routine to keep it interesting, and rewarding yourself for meeting milestones or achieving goals. It can also help to focus on the health and fitness benefits of regular exercise, and to make physical activity a regular part of your daily routine.

Can Physical Education classes be substituted with other activities?

In some cases, students may be allowed to substitute Physical Education classes with other activities, such as participation in school sports teams or other physical activities outside of school. However, this typically depends on the school's policies and the approval of the Physical Education teacher or school administration.

What should I wear to a Physical Education class?

Students are typically required to wear appropriate athletic attire to Physical Education classes, including comfortable and breathable clothing, athletic shoes with good support and traction, and any protective gear or equipment required for the activity.

Is Physical Education mandatory in schools?

In many countries, including the United States, Physical Education is a mandatory subject in public schools. However, the specific requirements and policies may vary depending on the state, school district, or individual school.

Can Physical Education help with weight loss?

Regular physical activity, including participation in Physical Education classes, can be an important component of a weight loss or weight management program. However, weight loss also depends on factors such as diet, genetics, and overall lifestyle, and should be approached holistically rather than relying solely on exercise.

Are there any risks associated with Physical Education or sports activities?

Like any physical activity, there is a risk of injury associated with participating in Physical Education or sports activities. However, this risk can be minimized through proper warm-up and stretching, use of appropriate protective gear or equipment, and following proper technique and safety guidelines.

Can Physical Education improve mental health?

Regular physical activity, including participation in Physical Education classes, has been shown to have a positive impact on mental health and well-being, including reducing stress and anxiety, improving mood and self-esteem, and promoting better sleep.

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